Improved rate limiting with Ning’s Async Http Client

Today we contributed back to Ning’s NIO Http Client. The client already possessed the ability to throttle requests based on the number of concurrent connections to a host. This becomes immediately apparent when making requests willy nilly asynchronously to a host. It doesn’t take a lot of computing power to bring an API to its knee’s with this approach.

Today we contributed back to Ning’s NIO Http Client. The client already possesed the ability to throttle requests based on the number of concurrent connections to a host. This becomes immediately apparent when making requests willy nilly asynchronously to a host. It doesn’t take a lot of computing power to bring an API to its knee’s with this approach.

We found ourselves needing a finer tuned approach to handle these asynchronous requests. We wanted to not only limit the amount of concurrent requests but also the total requests per second.

To handle this we contributed back a patch and I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised with how active the project is. It was reviewed and merged within hours. A very good sign of a well maintained project and reaffirms our selection in using it as one of our core libraries within our Java ecosystem.